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  Bicicleta cat era la mine era super curata, aici este o pauza.. nu am alta foto cu ea.. Am facut foto imediat ce l-am rugat sa stam de vorba, nu am zis nimic pentru ca e inauntrul unui restaurant insa el a zis iar ca nu vorbim, nu avem ce sa vorbim, atitudinea lui a fost foarte greu de suportat ca interior pentru mine, simt ca ma apasa pe suflet!  Razvan pe 6 avea curata geaca tazz iar pe 9 era super murdara la umeri Vlad in fata camerei, Razvan trece prin fata mea fara sa se uite macar la mine, fara sa zica nimic! Se duce la comanda, se si intoarce, se face tarziu de cat timp astept un semn de la el, seara se lasa si in final ma intorc si eu acasa. Dar bicicleta mea era acolo in stanga, tot timpul ma gandeam ca as putea sa o iau dar nu am facut asta pentru ca vreau sa isi dea seama el, cautam pana in ultima clipa sa fie intelegere si sa nu fie nevoie sa apelez la ajutor judiciar..!  Vlad putin inainte a ajuns la restaurant pe bicicleta mea si cum a trecut de mine care stateam la mas

DyPoi ~ Handcrafted Ribbon Juggling Poi

Experience the joy of traditional Maori tribe of New Zeeland! These handcrafted ribbon poi are designed to provide entertainment while promoting focus, creativity, and physical activity. Features: Handmade with love : Each toy is carefully crafted using high-quality materials and attention to detail. Mesmerizing optical illusions : As the toy spins, the ribbons create beautiful and captivating patterns that will keep children (and adults!) entertained for hours. Educational and fun : These toys are a great way to teach children about colors, patterns, and movement. They can also be used to promote physical activity and coordination. Enhances focus and concentration : The repetitive motion of spinning the toy can help children to focus and concentrate. Balances spirit-mind-body : Playing with these toys can help children to develop a sense of balance and coordination.  Benefits: Promotes focus and concentration Enhances creativity and imagination Encourages physical activity and coor